The home made ones are a lot of work. I'm going to give it a whirl and try to build one since I like to torture myself. But I am currently running a Tom21 fixed steer hood on a square. It's a great hood and I have no complaints. I have cracked my hull in half, broken the nose off a few times and the hood is still perfectly fine.
I gave up riding a pole ski after putting some time in on this hull. I also learned how to backflip on this hood and hull with a stock 61x motor(pipe,head,msd,prop only)
The only adivce I can give is:
What you will pay to buy a premade/bolt on hood kit is equivalent to the time it will take you to build your own, plus buy a raider hood, square hood, square pole, resin, glass. Unless of course you consider your time worth about 2 dollars an hour.