300/440/550 Flat tray...... Yea or Nay?

I am building a 440/650 conversion. I am wondering if i should go with a flat deck with foot straps or go with normal tray with foot holds. It will be lake riding, no surf riding (unless I go to the beach). The idea of the flat tray seems appealing just never rode one. Any thoughts?
I did a flat deck this year.

IMO it is a better mod for surf/ wake jumping. I like to carve and cruise more and not having gun whales was not the ticket. I actually swapped for a nice hull with another guy and no longer own the ski. Here is my build thread.


My friend did it. I honestly did not like it at all. It made getting up to the handlebars a complete pain in the ass. It made carving a lot harder and a lot less stable on landings, i would go against it in all forms of riding.


My understanding is that it was a "surf thing" .....the idea being that water would flow easily across the tray when you're in the pocket, instead of pushing you down the face of the wave. (IMO poor logic or just bad surfing)
I think the cons were greater than the pros. For a short time "flat-decks" were popular, then they disappeared.
You give up a bunch of strength when you do that.
Keep the rails, IMO.
My experiences were the same when I tried one...didn't like it at all...was lookin for the tray sides to put my foot against and was hard to get back up on....I wouldn't advise it, but some guys like them and like anything you'd probably get use to it with time...go with footholds, much less work
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