Folsom Lake 6/24/07 - Only me


Web GuY
Folsom Lake - CA
Cool. Looks good really good for two weeks. What other modifications does the ski have done to it?


Blowsion spring pole, some other spark arrestor, and the worx201. That's it right now.

I have hood strap, bilge, ride plate, and af ew other lil things to do to it, possible front exhaust.

I also have a SS impeller from my parts SJ I want to get the pitch checked out and possibly install that.
Talk about a blast from the past. When I was a kid, my dad was stationed out in Cali and we used to go to Folsom Lake. I hadn't thought about that in a long time. :arms:
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my g/fs mom lives in granite bay overlooking the water..ill pm you next time i go up that way
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