For every one who can't afford B-pipes whats the next best thing?


Not After Fame & Fortune
well for all us budget guys whats the next best pipe for a 701.

i have seen protec and coffmans go for reasonable prices. they any good?

from what i can understand any pipe will be better then stock so whats a good reasonable one to get?

thanks X-h20 gods :hail:


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
The Pro-tec and RIVA designs are similar. The cast aluminum bodies are prone to breakage if the parts aren't shimmed with washers so that they bolt tight and straight.


nice weather=regret selin
I had a pro tec on a ski once that sucker ran hottttttttttttttttttttttttt. Whatt about running a speedwerx?


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
A 2nd hand b-pipe should be worth about 400 now at tops

Since most 2nd hand things are worth about half a new one
and it being a b-pipe

Well i wouldnt pay anymore than 400 for one now other wise i will stretch and buy new


So long and thanks for all the fish
speedwerx freestyle dry is a good pipe once you mod it for proper alignment and run a strainer to prevent clogging.


Jersey Shore
Water injection is used to modify the exhayst waves to creat power in different aresa of the RPM range.. It is turned on and turned off at different RPM's. The Riva Freeride pipe or type 4 are nice pipes.


( o Y o )
Paul said:
Water injection is used to modify the exhayst waves to creat power in different aresa of the RPM range.. It is turned on and turned off at different RPM's. The Riva Freeride pipe or type 4 are nice pipes.

bwahahaaahaa he sees the light!!!!
My vote is for a Speedwerx race or freestyle cheaper than the B and when tuned I would say that there is no performance difference. There will be a ton of peopel here to say bifferent but I have had the race pipe and now the Speedwerx freestyle and they both ROCK.


Lexington, KY
Pro-Tec's performed well, but has problems on some models keeping the chamber bolted up tight, so my vote is the coffman Sizzler pipe.

I called Coffman to get the jetting for a 701 for a sizzler pipe, and she told me they never made a sizzler pipe for a 701???? I have one on my 650 that I was gonna use.
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