That's not what he was doing, though. He threw really nice combos of varied aerials.
I agree, he had some sweet variations and combos. He was smooth as glass and stayed busy. As for the "he should have won statement". I think the winner did a NICE JOB of combos himself, both only had only one error but the winner had some nicer no handers mixed in as well while Ivan had only one. The winner went higher in most of his tricks as well and that counts alot in judging.
I admit it was close and I think Ivan shoulda been 2nd but I am not sold on a first.
Judges struggled there I am sure.
Nice boat but I cannot see those footholds being feasible for me. I also am skeptical of the giant hood, easy to work on, but it sure seems like a week point to me. I am not a fan of BIG hoods, Rickter did a nice job eliminating it and maintaining nice working space. BOB followed as well. The Lindsey hull and this hull went the oposite direction??????? I hated knocking hoods off and stress cracking them on the SJ and where the he11 do ya put the dayum thing when under the hood?
Just a BIG WEEK point IMO.