FP Exhaust Manifold Leaking....

I had my exhaust manifold, head pipe, and chamber ceramic coated which I'm beginning to regret. My exhaust manifold leaks where it meets the cylinder. I have tried two different gaskets and it leaks from the same spot with both. I'm starting to wonder if the ceramic coating is uneven and it needs to be machined down flat again. Thoughts?

I have some Gasgacinch on order now, but these things should seal fine without any sealant right?


just joe

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I had mine ceramic coated and loved it. I used a flat tool stone to take off any high spots. I typically do this to all mating surfaces regardless if they were coated/painted.

I don't know what gaskets you are using, but I have the best luck with the thick green/grey gaskets with a thin coat of 1211 on both sides.
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