Freshwater Flush Connector on a Rickter

Hi there,

Since my Rickter has two sleeves in the turbine where seawater is pressed in, I'm not sure where to fit the flush connector.
I mean right now it has no connector at all. So I am going to cut some of the hoses and put a T part in-between where I can connect the freshwater hose.
Just not sure where.

Can someone help?
backflush through the pissers. no extra fittings to fail or leak. keeps the engine bay clean too
X2 on flushing thru the pissers. On my 61X FS1 I used a bulkhead shut off plumbed to a tee on the front port on bottom of exhaust manifold:


Or you can use open non-valved bulkhead disconnects for pissers and flush thru them:


It's not critical where you tap in the starting point for the flush, there's plenty of flow from the hose. I always try for opposite the flow of when its running.
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Many thanks for the detailed description!
Unfortunately, I can't get hold of a multiple connector like this quickly. But that's a brilliant idea!

Following your tip, I put the flushing connection between the B pipe and a pisser outlet to test how the temperature goes. It seems to be reasonably stable.
What do you think? But I only get water from 1 Pisser outlet (1 of 4). Even with good amount of water pressure.

Many thanks for the detailed description!
Unfortunately, I can't get hold of a multiple connector like this quickly. But that's a brilliant idea!

Following your tip, I put the flushing connection between the B pipe and a pisser outlet to test how the temperature goes. It seems to be reasonably stable.
What do you think? But I only get water from 1 Pisser outlet (1 of 4). Even with good amount of water pressure.

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I went back and edited my original post, my flush enters a tee on the front port of the exhaust manifold cooling inlet, not the head.

With 4 head pissers and where you’re teeing in your not going to see a lot out of the head pissers, but you’re still flushing out thru the inlets at the pump.
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