Super Jet fuel selector on a superjet

North Texas
Been searching for a while to find out what direction is off/reserve/on on my 96 superjet (RN) and can't find a pic. I removed the plate long ago and always just tried one direction till it started but I am tired of that. Some one look at your ski and hollor at me so I can paint in on my ski please!


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Left is on. Down is off. Right is reserve.

This is correct, and this is how, well how I was able to commit it to memory, Left or pointing towards your tray means your using gas from the ski. Right or pointing overboard to the water means your on borrowed time or Reserve. Stupid but it works lol!
North Texas
Been 2 years since I removed the plate :) Just now getting tired of it. Thanx I will use the memory trick to remember to paint it on there
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