Full spectrum carbs ROCK!!!

  • Thread starter Freestyleriverrat
  • Start date


My buddy toased his crank and since we have almost identical setup's I asked him if I could use his set of dual 46mm full spectrums (manifold, rad valves, spacers ect) to replace my OEM dual 44, riva manifold, reed spacer and v-force gen 1's. OMFG!! That is what I am talking about. Granted I still needed to tune my carbs and stuff but crap that thing was a totally different animal. Felt like it had a supercharger on it. The difference was like more than night and day. Damn..............now I want a set. They go for like over 2k though. Maybe one day.

What is Ed asking for a whole setup now?
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Ive been running a set of the 46s on my limited sj for about 4 years now. There is nothing quite like them.:biggthumpup:
The throttle response is incredible.:bigeyes:


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i was running 46s on my limited but have gone to 48s on my superlimited now
they are awesome the hit you get when you grab that throttle is like nothing else


Seriously I am very impressed with the performance. WOW! is all I can say. Does it really take a year to get a set? How much are they?


norcal ex said:
whats the difference between this and dual 38s?

I would imagine allot. It depends on the set up though. This was a complete system from full spectrum. Instant throttle response, very hard hitting, strong pull throughout the rpms and so clean feeling. Oh and his carbs are like 5 years old, with a little adjustment on the screws I think it will be that much chrisper, it was running a little rich.
Hey those are my carbs! I have had the carbs for about 4 years and I feel that it is the very best mod you can make. I hate tuning carbs and when ED sent them to me I just slapped them on and BANG! I did not even cut the fuel line and in the last 4 years I have not even turned the jetting screws. Full Spectrum and Ed Rule! River Rat do not sink your boat!!!!!!


I would also say that they really dont need to be messed with once you get them dialed in. Changes in weather say from riding in the early spring when the air is cool and dry. To riding in the summer when it is hot and humid. I have gone to ride in alot of different places and have never had to rejet. Mabye just a minor change in screw setting.


Squid, thanks allot for finding more ways for me to sink $$ in this ski :banghead: The ski felt like yours, just a little rich but had like instant hit. I had to stop riding tonight b/c I lost a bolt on my trim=no steering. Need to fix that then we will be stylin.
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