FW Flips, Helmet or no Helmet?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Uh yeah...helmet.


What is the durometer of your skull? lol. I'm no flat water expert. But, a helmet is probably a good idea....at least until you can do those tricks effortlessly. Then...wear a helmet.
Matt that picture reminds me of your bail on the flips at surfslam
I will wear my helmet :)
Helmet! we just had a buddy out at the cabin today chip his tooth pretty good on a backflip attempt, even with a helmet on

*edit: who says its safer not to wear one?
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Sometimes the peer pressure of conforming can justify in your mind that it's okay to not to wear a helmet. I didn't wear one I'm my run at worlds and still think I'm lucky nothin happened. I didn't want to be the 'helmet guy'. Stupid

I've cracked a snell 2000 mx helmet on a failed flip attempt where the ski went up but I stayed down and it pretty much lawn darted my brain bucket. no helmet I would have been much worse off than a headache.

I vote helmet.
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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I've heard people saying that falling at high speeds and having the helmet catch water like a bucket would be dangerous. Although it sounds bad, it doesn't really do that because your head is in the way preventing the whole bucket thing from happening.
The brain bucket will save the day. After wearing a helmet on the water for the last 2 years I feel naked without it.


Arlington TX
It took me 5-6 rides wearing my helmet to get used to it. Before getting used to it I hated it. It limited my hearing and it was 'heavy' etc.... Its fine. Lol....

I have two kids and after seeing that guy in the link, as well as reading about busted ear drums, etc... I dont need any crazy injuries in my life. If I ride without a helmet now I don't want to try anything. Good healthy fear.
I have got so used to my helmet that if I forgot it I don't even ride the same. EX: 3 weeks ago riding in Pismo, drove 4 hours to ride and forgot my helmet, within thrity seconds of riding I tore my meniscus in my knee, coincidence? (Now I know a helmet has no bearing on your knees, lol, but what I am trying to say is once you get comfortable with it you will be very uncomfortable without it)
i was knocked out after falling head first into my try i was out for about 5 min broke 2 bones in my back and pinched 3 nerves in my spine... needless to say i wear a helmet every ride just take the vizor off thats what catches the water when you fall

Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
a helmet is no shame, if you feel more confident to try new things, and is no shame if you do old tricks as well (well maybe hood tricks look awkward with one, but hey, its YOUR head!)
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