Gen2 X2 backflips....


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Thats big HP I would guess... Rode a buddies new Gen2 x2 with the sxr800 based motor, no way its flipping flatwater

I can't wait until he builds his new one, I here a Dasa 1100 coming to town in a LW Gen2 X2..


This Is The Way
Staff member
Definitely a LW hull and a big motor. Are X2s allowed in freestyle? It would be cool to see one at WF as a change of scenery.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
Definitely a LW hull and a big motor. Are X2s allowed in freestyle? It would be cool to see one at WF as a change of scenery.

I think that is what helped Jeff Kantz win back in the day, he was a great rider though too.

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is it a japanese rider? It looks like the video was made with japanese Apple Imovie. Every effect in the software was used. none the less, cool!
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