Graphic Removal...

Ok so prob not the most hardcore tech, and to some not tech at all. But I was wondering other peoples methods for getting the glue, residue, gum, dooty whatever you wanna call it off the ski after you pull the graphics off...People prob have theyre own ways and secrets on what works best for scraping w/out damaging paint etc...Obviously the newer the ski, less of an issue, but 9yr old graphics ona 00" SJ and I have some cleaning to do.
Again sorry to post a dumb thread like this but sometimes ideas other then your own are better. Thanks for any feedback


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
Laquer thinner or an automotive paint thinner work's best and it is time consuming soak a rag with it and try to keep the glue wet. use a plastic bondo spreader to scrape the glue off the hull by using bondo spreader you won't scratch or gouge the surface of the hull.
Show car has a good adhesive remover...if you don't have a show car automotive supply company..your local auto paint store should be able to get it,works great......
dont waste your time and money!

mix gas with some wd40 and use a scraper to take off, keep on spraying and
adhesive becomes soft almost instant ones gas/wd40 is applied !!
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Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
Eraser wheel hands down they cost about $14 from an autobody store and work 1000 times better than any solvent, goop or scraper. It works just like a pencil eraser so you get shards everywhere but it's worth it. I was amazed at how well it worked the first time I used one. Don't even waste your time with any other method. Just make sure you keep an eye on how hot it gets because they will burn up fast if you over heat them.
Alright guys thanks for the feedback. Tomorrow im gunna get to work on it and see how smooth it goes. I'll try a few of the methods mentioned and see where i get. Only decal i removed so far was the one on the very bottom of the hull on the right side, and relized the residue it left, which led me here. We'll see how things turn out tomorrow...thanks again


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Blow drier, Eraser wheel, Googone with PLASTIC spatula.


  • Heat up the decal with the BD and peel it off. There will be glue left over.

  • Use eraser wheel to strip remaining glue off, it should come off in small particles. You can attack decal without peeling it off but I find it to be messier that way. Also careful NOT to get fixated in one spot as the wheel does generate heat and it will burn your paint on your ski. I also find slow RPM to work better.
  • If you notice that the glue does not come off in particles but becomes a gooey mess instead, STOP and use googone. The wheel will just make it worse. In my case it was the old CF numbers, when I removed them they got spread all over the hull by the wheel.
The eraser wheel is by far the easiest method IMHO....and YES removing decals is a PITA.

Good Luck !!







Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
I just removed my decals on a '95.......... and it sucks! I used a heat gun on the decals and got most of them off, but left the residue behind. I tried 6 different types of adhesive removers and the only only on that worked was one call Aircraft adhesive remover from O'reilly Auto part. That stuff worked great. Spray on, wait 5 minutes, the use a plastic scraper and it came right off.


Bangor, ME
I found Goo Gone Xtreme at Wal Mart. It worked well. I'm not sure what it'll do to paint. I didn't pay attention since I was repainting anyway. I used it on my boat to take off the residue from last years registration stickers and it didn't harm the gel coat.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
just wanted to bump this thread... don't waste your time with chemicals... $14 pinstripe eraser wheel is the bomb!!!! (very minor cleanup after)


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
just wanted to bump this thread... don't waste your time with chemicals... $14 pinstripe eraser wheel is the bomb!!!! (very minor cleanup after)

Wish i wouldve learned that earlier than i did. I have done about 3-4 skis the hard way. And then i tried the rubber wheel. It works like a hot knife through butter.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
Wish i wouldve learned that earlier than i did. I have done about 3-4 skis the hard way. And then i tried the rubber wheel. It works like a hot knife through butter.

I spent 2 hours doing 1/2 of 1 side using heat gun and multiple cleaners. The next day I spent about 20 minutes doing the rest of the ski with the eraser wheel.
I used a heat gun to get the stickers off then berryman B12 Chemtool to get the goo off, it worked way better then 3m adhesive and wax remover. Word of caution, Chemtool can soften the paint and make it scrape off so I would only use it if you are repainting.
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