Grayland Open Website Going Offline Sept 4

Guys & Gals,

This is for your information and to keep unneeded rumors from starting. On Sept. 4th, the Grayland Open website will cease to exist. This is not due to a malicious action on my part, rather it is related to the reorganization of the GO management. I offered to continue to work on it, however it was decided not to keep me on as web designer moving forward. I believe Dan is going to try and get someone local in Aberdeen to do this work. Due to the way things were originally setup from the 1st GO, and on, all of the hosting was done under a personal account which I have personally paid for. I can not turn this account over as I have to many other sites tied to this account. There is unfortunately also no way to export the site so that others can work on it. As a result the website as it stands now will cease to exist on Sept. 4th. I will be working with Dan to transfer the domain name over to him, so at least the site address will continue to be the same. Hopefully as soon as the transfer is complete and Dan secures a new web designer, it will be posted up. Dan and I also part on this on good terms. I don't want the community to get the wrong idea.

With the above having been said, I make another plee to the community. Please do not engage in random rumor making. Especially with regards to the Grayland Open, the split between Dan and Dayton, and events as they move forward. I have heard plenty of things from people, and I'm sorry to say there seems to be much hatred within the community over the way events happened. It is done and over with. It is time to grow up and move on. We are all adults, not children. The Grayland Open ended up still being a major success, and will continue to be. This is in no small part due to the PNW community of riders. We are a small enough community as it is. We don't need groups at odds with each other dividing the community even further. Work together, and attend as many events as you can. Meet new friends and riders and help the community grow. If you hear rumors, post them up so they can be addressed, and not fester and cause issues. There is big plans in the works, and as soon as things are more finalized they will be announced.

Happy Riding,

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