Guys, I Need Help! Barrell Crashes!!!


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
My setup wakes are great
My timing seems perfect
In my mind my form at launch is perfect-ie, pole down, rt elbow out, lt elbow tucked, lookin under left side of ski, bars hard to the left, I am over the pole.

Here is what happens next.......I wake up on the bank of the lake with my neighbor waking me up........ LOL-not really, it hurts like a mother fuvker!!!!!

Me and the ski leave the wake and really launch, I get 180* upside down and the nose of the ski drops like a kenworth off of the top to the Empire State Building and I eat poop!!!
I want this more than you could ever know but I am getting really sick and tired of the self inflicted pain and getting knocked out cold!!!

Why is the nose of my ski going for a inverted stab??? As the nose drops the pole naturally comes up and I get ripped out of the footholds...

Any ideas, help from those that can really is appreciated.
By no means am i barrel rolling yet but I do know what your talking about. Sometimes when I come off a wake to do a stab if all the conditions are right I end up with the pole striaight in my chest looking down at the ski in flight. Not a good feeling. I think its all about the timing of the throw coming off the wake. If i try to really get upside down off a small wake sometimes my ski will rotate faster than I can hold on and I end up at an awkward angle.
i was stuck at the same point for ages aswell. big inverted stabs . assuming everything else is ok i got past this with a couple of changes . first make sure you turn the ski in the opposite direction of the roll just before you get into the wake this really helped my rotation . second more speed hit the wake a little faster than you feel comfortable this will mean alot of missed wakes as it messes up your timing but again it will help rotation . heres a little vid of e at a comp tried to roll at the start wasnt my best attempt but you can see the ski turn away from the roll before turning into it . on a good day got them pretty much plate to plate now . still a bit hit and miss though lol
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
What ride plate are you running?

I had that same problem in 2006 right up until nationals. 2 weeks or so before I removed the "D" cut ride plate, put my short Worx on there and my rolls flattened out. The nose stopped dropping and the tail stopped reaching for the sky.

So, what ride plate do you have.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Gil, maybe your thong is on backwards. Or it could be a weight distribution problem. Where is your freestyle sponge mounted? C'mon, save the sport already! (Or we'll change your name to GilGoneSplat )


Ride for life
North NJ
Gil, maybe your thong is on backwards. Or it could be a weight distribution problem. Where is your freestyle sponge mounted? C'mon, save the sport already! (Or we'll change your name to GilGoneSplat )

Just give up and take up fruitbooting

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I recommended it because that is one of the only two things you can actually do on a BOB. Don't get excited just yet, I still say those that can build cool stuff do, those that can't buy.
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boost everything
I have the same problem... Alot i get big air off my wake and get upside down then it all stops there...?i have an 09 superjet...alot of people say the 08-10 sj steering sucks????


high on resin
san jose ca
when I first started I had that same prob until I made a conscious effort to make sure I was crankin the bars all the way. And don't be afraid to give it some gas on your prehop.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I have the same problem... Alot i get big air off my wake and get upside down then it all stops there...?i have an 09 superjet...alot of people say the 08-10 sj steering sucks????

If your like me you do not keep your poll planted on or close to the hood. I tend to extend out which slows my rotation.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Please change the title to this thread everyone knows you have no problem with barrel roll crashes. In fact your crashes are some of the best I have ever seen.
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