Super Jet hardly any water coming out of pisser...

I just installed a pisser in my '91 sj650 and while on the flush kit and running it today, it barely pumps any water, like just a spurt here and there...

It is T'd into the stinger line.

Water is flowing through the engine and exhaust and the ski runs fine.
hook the T up to the lines coming through the bulkhead around the coupler

The pisser is t'd in on the stinger, not the flush.

If it spits and sputters when the engine is running, this can be a sign of a blown o-ring. I don't know what kind of head you have on there, but mine with an ADA head seemed like it ran just fine on the flush, but sputtered and spit water out, ended up being a bad o-ring.
I've got a stock head. I was out working on it this morning, I was blowing out the water lines w/ compressed air, thinking maybe I had a clog somewhere, everything was clean but I did notice a problem on my pipe (coffman sizzler) that may be contributing to the problem. I have a water leak on the headpipe above the gasket where it bolts to the exhaust manifold. When I introduce compressed air to the pipe, water squirts out of it there. I also took the head pipe off and there are some small pinholes on the inside of it as well.
This cannot be good right? Can I get it welded or am I screwed? I'm hopefully borrowing a digital camera to take pics later on this evening to better show where it is leaking from.

Post edited to properly describe where the water is coming from. Pics have been taken but need to be re-sized and will be posted tomorrow.
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It didn't flow while it was in the water either. Since I noticed the pipe was leaking water, I took it off to get it welded (which it is still at the shop :censored: ) so I haven't been able to mess with it since then.

One thing I do NOT have is a restrictor or flow control valve in the stinger line. is this a necessity? I am really confused as to why this thing won't shoot water out of the pisser. Hopefully the guy gets the damn thing welded back up sometime soon so I can slap her back together and try to make it work properly!
pipe is welded up and back on. I replaced my old line (solid yellow) from the headpipe to stinger w/ clear line to confirm water flow. I have water flow from headpipe to stinger (as I thought I did before) but still have the same problem of little/no flow through the pisser. WTF do I do now?

I've checked compression, 150 psi per cylinder. Have water flow in the circuit that feeds the stinger/pisser. What now?? Just in case it matters which I can't imagine it should, water lines are from pump to exhaust manifold, out from head to headpipe, headpipe to stinger.
Anybody have any ideas? I hooked it up exactly (minus the FCV) how SUPERTUNE described in post #3 in this thread ---->

When I swap the stinger and pisser around on the T fitting (flow from headpipe straight through to pisser, 90* of T to stinger) as you can imagine I have flow from the pisser but nothing / very little going through the stinger /waterbox.

This has got to be something simple, what could I be overlooking?
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