have sticker gook on my jet, what stuff to get it off?


Not After Fame & Fortune
i have been trying goo gone and i literally only got 5 inches completley clean in 30 minutes. there has to be a faster way.

i also tried a little acetone but didn't want to screw up the paint/ gel coat.

also wd 40 and lighter fluid.

i gave up for the night.

but what would you guys suggest? i need to get it off to get my registration numbers on.

I've found that the aresol Goo-off crap works good. Its available Home Depot in the paint section where they keep acetone, paint strippers etc. I tried acetone, that orange stuff, goo off in the bottle and still required work. This aresol can stuff made the glue into 'liquid boogies' that scraped off with ease. I just scraped and kept wiping the blade/scrapper and the ski off with a paper towel and remove the stock sticker glue in like 15 mins or so. It got buy with one can to do the whole ski but if I had to do it over again I'd buy two.


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
Lay some paper towels over the area and soak them wit goof-off. This will keep the goof-off from evaporating and penetrate the glue better. It still takes a little elbow grease. Also I had a proffesional painter tell me not to sand it off. He said it dosn't remove all of it and just grinds it in the fiberglass.Oh yeah the lighter fluid works if you use a lighter J/K:biggrin:


Apply heat with a hair dryer or let it sit in the sun for a few minutes, ten peel away the old stuff. Acetone works good to get the residue off and as long as it is an OEM or quality paint job, the acetone will not affect it.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
a pressure washer did a pretty good job on my bro's ski. It left a very small amount of residue that could be cleaned off with goo off or something like that.


3M also makes a decal remover wheel that looks like eraser material. You just mount it on a drill and they roll off glue and all pretty easy. It takes a little elbow grease but it is a one step process. No messy residue or chemical odors, just sweep up the bits of decal that rolls off.
demolition_x said:
yea tomorrow im going to get the 3m stuff.

the guy before me did a piss poor job of getting the crud off, so im left to do it.

yeah I've found that the 3M stuff works the best. it comes in a red and white aerosol can or by the quart.


i used desolvit which is an orange based adhesive remover. i let it soak for a minute and glue came right off. you can get it at walmart
keefer said:
3M also makes a decal remover wheel that looks like eraser material. You just mount it on a drill and they roll off glue and all pretty easy. It takes a little elbow grease but it is a one step process. No messy residue or chemical odors, just sweep up the bits of decal that rolls off.

it took me about an hour to take all the stock graphics on my ski..
the 3m spray also works great also..


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
we were taking the nasty 15 year old graphics off my friends sj and nothing would take it off. I finally found this stuff called aircraft(brand) adhesive remover. it comes in an aerosol can and man it works good. sprayed it on and the stuff came off like butter. nothing I have ever tried even compares to this. the 3m stuff did nothing for us.
i had a lacrosse shaft that had a bunch of tape residue on it, i took a paper towel and put some gasoline on it and the residue came right off, but it has to be 110 octane racing fuel of something likewise:bigeyes:

nah not really, i think i used 93 though
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