Other Hello from WA State

Hey guys n gals just joined the site. Ive been riding for awhile but am a noob. I just bought my first JetSki late this summer a 87 Kawasaki 550js that turned out to be a lemon, but ive been fixing her up. Thought this would be another great place to learn some more.


thanks darin...noswad!
Your local, you will need to find us in the spring and hit up the river out of marysville.
Hey guys n gals just joined the site. Ive been riding for awhile but am a noob. I just bought my first JetSki late this summer a 87 Kawasaki 550js that turned out to be a lemon, but ive been fixing her up. Thought this would be another great place to learn some more.

Biases aside, please don't put TOO much money into it.

Welcome to the X :)
buy a superjet! lol

I'm kidding..Welcome to the X!

Your not kidding.

Clumsy, What most guys are going to tell you is to save up a buy a Superjet. Thats what the majority of the guys ride, or superjet based set-ups. You can have fun with a 550 for a while just don't try to mod it up and consume too much or any of your money... Have fun with it while you save maybe for something that can produce more power and has a great expansion curve.

Cheers and I am sure at some point of time Ill see you at some of the Northwest events depending on your involvement in the sport!
Your not kidding.

Clumsy, What most guys are going to tell you is to save up a buy a Superjet. Thats what the majority of the guys ride, or superjet based set-ups. You can have fun with a 550 for a while just don't try to mod it up and consume too much or any of your money... Have fun with it while you save maybe for something that can produce more power and has a great expansion curve.

Cheers and I am sure at some point of time Ill see you at some of the Northwest events depending on your involvement in the sport!

Yeah i've put alot of time and money into it already. I do plan on buying another ski this spring. I really want to get involved and learn more. I bought this ski to help w/ my PTSD from when I was in the Marines, the Doc at the VA said I needed a physical hobby and since I loved riding in the past I bought this ski and got ripped off by the guy on craigslist. But it is a blessing in disguise learning more and more about the ski inside and out.
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thanks darin...noswad!
Dont ride my RN then, you will want to go out and spend money.....We did the state park out there a couple years ago, it was flat as the lake. Dblock lives out on the Island way south almost to the end, the thing about the river is the variety of the ride. We go from flat cruizing to mud sliding, then out by Priest point to hit the rollers or Jetty Island to fly off the passing big boat traffic. Main thing is make certain your ski is RELIABLE....bring a few basic tools and spare spark plugs, make sure your legal as we can get stopped but rarely do. Tow line is good...been there, one of the guys from Bellingham comes down and rides his 550 with us. Its possible to go up to Snohomish and farther, only limited by fuel and the Tide, gotta watch that or you can be stranded until it returns, and then there is the Taco shack on the reservation when the tide is up!
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