Other Helmet painting: How to remove shell???

I have a new Bell Bellistic bike helmet. Anyone know how to remove the shell from the foam (and then re-install it) on bike helmets?

I'm going to paint, and masking would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier with shell removed, plus I won't have to worry about sealing all the vents so my solvents don't damage the protective foam.


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
i think it would be easier to tape it than go through all the work taking it apart and possibly damaging it or not having it fit right IMO.

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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
YES!!!! Disassemble that helmet before painting. Each helmet model is different, so take it easy, and fiddle with it a bit. The cheekpads will likely come out first, then the main EPS core.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I was suprised how easily my full face helmet came apart. It's like those games where you have to find the notched piece and then everything falls apart. I took out the screened vents on mine while I was in there too. They only block air flow and rust in the water anyway. I left the visor on though because the screws had rusted in place.


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Thanks guys, I'll fiddle around with it.
Tighti, I've done a few masking, but it is a REAL pain in the ass if doing multiple colors since I like to remove the tape to sand primer/clear. I'm planning several layers/graphics and will need to sand it at least 2-3 times.
Hmm, looks like everything is glued together. I had sent an e-mail to Bell, but fully expect a "we don't recommend you paint your helmet or mess with it for liability reasons" type reply.
Anyone have any step by step info? Do I just have to pull out all the pads and then pry to shell from the protective foam and then glue it back at the end? Don't want to screw it up.
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