Help!! Dead handlepole 4 days before leaving for Daytona!!

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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I just noticed three huge cracks in my handlepole right at the top bend - 10" cracks down one side a a 2" crack underneath with exposed fibers. I'm not getting anywhere near the surf with that thing. I'll call XMetal in the morning to try to get one over-nighted (or perhaps ask Pat to bring a setup to Daytona).

If that doesn't work out, does anyone have a spare roundnose pole laying around that they could sell me to get me out of a bind? If it's already -2" or so that would be great.

In the worst case I guess I'll just reinforce the crap out of mine and hope it lasts the weekend.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
im not sure about xmetal, but im pretty sure he has some stockers. ill be there friday night.

OK - I got ya. Paul Lehr has an XMetal pole, so I may end up getting that from him and asking Bogie to bring a replacement for him to Daytona. I can get Paul's fast since he's not too far from me, and that means I can do battle with the breathers in the garage rather than the parking lot of the Makai. If that fails then I'll get Kingnothing's since it's already -3". I'm not sure what it would feel like going back to stock length now, but I have a feeling I wouldn't like it!

Thanks guys.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
OK, looks like I'm all set. Pat had everything in stock - even the UMI bearings, so he's over-nighting the whole deal to me this afternoon :biggthumpup: A little after work wrenching, and I should be good to go.

Thanks for all the offers of help. Aren't jet ski people great? :grouphug:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I went for the standard -2". With that plus the XMW steering I'll be a good 4" or so shorter than stock, plus the lowered pole bracket. It's going to feel a lot different from my -2" stocker with straight bars....
I just cut 3.5" out of my pole on top of doing the "straight bar in front of the stock mounting location" mod so I'm at somewhere around -5" Cutting that 3.5" out was THE BEST $25 I've spent on my superjet so far. It makes a phenominal difference in keeping my lard ass more centered.
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