Help with proper install of v3 on 967

Fancy fate

Can't have anything nice.
se michigan
What's the proper way to install v3 reeds with e.t. manifold? Anyone able to give me a hand?

And what inserts is best, the 120 or 130?


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Fancy fate

Can't have anything nice.
se michigan
Ask your engine builder #defaultxh20response

I say this a bit facetiously. But your engine builder should be able to get you dialed in for your riding ability and setup! #zerox

True. I'm sure he can but I figure it's late on a Saturday and was seeing what all I need to finish up this build and figured theres alot of ppl on the x that could shout out an answer.
True. I'm sure he can but I figure it's late on a Saturday and was seeing what all I need to finish up this build and figured theres alot of ppl on the x that could shout out an answer.
Probably so, there's a lot of good knowledge here, but I'd take it with a grain of salt and call your builder. My builder has sent me all of my motors with intake and reeds installed, and will answer calls on a Saturday. That's what we pay for after all, right? Sorry i can't be of any help!

Fancy fate

Can't have anything nice.
se michigan
Probably so, there's a lot of good knowledge here, but I'd take it with a grain of salt and call your builder. My builder has sent me all of my motors with intake and reeds installed, and will answer calls on a Saturday. That's what we pay for after all, right? Sorry i can't be of any help!

I agree,...guess I'll give a call. JM helped me out on my other build cause I was still using the 38s and stock manifold. And on that set up you have to use that stock metal plate.

long beach local

long beach local
I put gasket sealer (1211) on the side of the gasket that touches the plastic reed cage as the V3 tends to leak I have heard. Not sure if this is recommended by a Builder but would be interesting to here opinions on this.
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