Help with subs!

Salem, OR
I can't seem to get the nose down in the is a pic. Any suggestions? Thanks

Not enough air?



So long and thanks for all the fish
Jump, pull tray up with your feet (lifters/footholds help dramatically) and push the handlepole forward to push the nose down. You'll get the right angle that way, maybe too much angle.

Make sure to give it plenty of gas once the nose hits so it pulls you under, otherwise the ski will stop and you'll fly forward and either take the chinpad in your stomach or do a superman impression over the pole.
Dont forget to duck as you enter the water. I have been hit by the wall of water on entry a few times. Pow! Off the ski.
Bunny hop prior, and decent speed, both help significantly.


9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
Start off with some speed...the key to pulling off a good sub it going just barely fast enough to where you thing, "hey...I think I may be going a little fast for this!". The ski should be on plane, and the water should be reasonably flat. Do a pre-hop, then do your setup hop. Your body position is pretty good in the pic, but you need to basically pull your feet up to your a**,while at the same time push down and lean forward on the handlepole. If you lean TOO far over the pole and chinpad, you'll end up going over the bars underwater-kinda fun, but not Essentially, you are aiming the nose of your ski into the water in front of you. The biggest part of the sub is speed, and rear lift. If you have those two things, the nose will end up dipping.
Start off with some speed...the key to pulling off a good sub it going just barely fast enough to where you thing, "hey...I think I may be going a little fast for this!". The ski should be on plane, and the water should be reasonably flat. Do a pre-hop, then do your setup hop. Your body position is pretty good in the pic, but you need to basically pull your feet up to your a**,while at the same time push down and lean forward on the handlepole. If you lean TOO far over the pole and chinpad, you'll end up going over the bars underwater-kinda fun, but not Essentially, you are aiming the nose of your ski into the water in front of you. The biggest part of the sub is speed, and rear lift. If you have those two things, the nose will end up dipping.

Very good advise, exactly how I learned them.
750's are tougher to sub than most skis. It looks to me like your left foot is a little in front of the right one. Put both feet all the way at the back or close to it, and push them out all the way against the sides. As the ski is leaving the water push forward and down on the bars, lift your feet up almost all the way to your butt, so you're in a crouching position. You want it to look like this;

Just curious, any of you do subs in surf stance? I the vinyl on my gunwales it too slippery to press against and lift the back but im thinking once i get straps put in i might could. Will i be able to do it ok in surf stance? Ill end up putting holds in this winter im sure
Just curious, any of you do subs in surf stance? I the vinyl on my gunwales it too slippery to press against and lift the back but im thinking once i get straps put in i might could. Will i be able to do it ok in surf stance? Ill end up putting holds in this winter im sure
Power subs yes, front subs no. I didn't have footholds or lifters on the fx1 above and that had the stock pads. Hell I learned on a 650sx which had the slipperiest vinyl ever made. Just push out hard with your feet. Or you could glue in some hard foam pieces to the sides for lifters, it doesn't take much.


whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
i run straps in surfstance. and i have a problem doing subs. have done a few. thought it was me but maybe subs are harder in surfstance?
You shouldn't need to force it at all. Back when I was learning subs I remember trying to pull the back up as hard as I could and push forward on the pole. Yeah, it worked eventually, but whenever I see people trying that method over and over again they just slap the nose.

It's really a pretty natural motion. Just do a little prehop, do a bunny hop, plane out, and lean forward. Just get the nose under and use the power of the ski to get you deep.

I don't know, maybe it's just that my pole's so short now that whenever I bunny hop my ski just automatically subs, haha


Olathe, Ks.
I can't seem to get the nose down in the is a pic. Any suggestions? Thanks

Not enough air?


Your biggest problem is the Kaw. 750sx you have. I had one (92' with 800cc motor) of those and could hardly do one. Bought a 96 superjet and can do them all day long. The difference is amazing!
Wish I would have bought one 10 years ago!
750's are very easy to sub.
i can see the problem in your picture already. its your legs.

the front can't go down if your legs are stiff.
tuck those legs UP and the back will come with it, bringing the nose down.
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