Super Jet Home made double trailer


John Tetenes @Jtetenes
Long Island
Figured I would post this up here. Me and my friend just took a single load right trailer and converted to a dual stand up for only $60. Trailer is a 98 with zero and I mean ZERO rust on it I don't know how that's possible.



That same setup is how my Rok ended up underneath my truck. Beware bro when you have a sudden stop one if not both are going bye bye. Just a heads up so those primo skis don't end up with asphalt damage.


Seattle, WA
Have a plan to do that exact same thing to my even narrower Harbor Freight trailer in two weeks that currently sits only one ski, centered.

Only intend to use it for short trips to the ramp a few times a year and to local Freerides. I don't think it's too safe to have such a high center of gravity on such a narrow platform. Going to be adding bow stops though to keep it manageable.

Here it is with the upright, still gotta weld something that the bow hooks can attach to a little better......As far as it being narrow, it was a single sit down with a 700lb three seater on it, so the weight now is still the same.....

I'm new to h-h20 so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong but I just bought the same trailer from harbor freight and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to mount the bunks and where I can find the parts for the bow stop and you look like you have half of the battle beat in this picture. If you could help me out I would appreciate it!
Here's my set up from harbor freight for my b1 does the job and I don't ever get the trailer wet because I use a beach cart to launch off the beach. 2" pvc for the bunks 3/4 pressure treated plywood deck and 2" galvanized pipe for the bow stop and a ratchet strap across the back to hold it down
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