How do I install a bilge pump?

Hi Guys, I have been riding a stock 2007 superjet for 4 months, Recently I have been getting better so I am going to do some basic mods and start trying tricks..

Basically, I am absolutely clueless on how to install a bilge pump on a super jet... (I have never messed with under the hood before of a jetski, (I am used to trucks not skis..)..

So where do I put the pump? Back of the jetski, front.. Can someone put some photos up on where they placed the pump, how they hooked it up, and how the switch thing works..



Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
put the pump in the back of the ski under the coupler cover, you'll want to epoxy or 5200 it down, run a short ground to the motor and put a switch and a fuse on the positive wire to the battery. make sure you use waterproof connectors.


I think it is a better idea to run a short wire to the positive side of the battery with a 5 amp fuse in a waterproof holder. Then switch the ground either on the dash with a toggle switch or get one of those handle pole mounted switches. This avoids a hot wire running up the pole and if you use a dash mounted switch it will not corrode or make an exposed hot at the switch terminal. Clean and rough up the area of the hull before you mount the pump base with 5200 or epoxy. The hardest part is picking the spot to drill the 1" hole for the outlet. Place it as high as possible above the water line so that water will not run back into the ski while sitting still.

Here is a link for a thread that has a good dash mounted switch for sale. These are waterproof switches and will last for years unlike some of the expensive handle pole types. I have had one for 8+ years and still rockin.
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