Super Jet How To Test A MSD Enhancer


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
I was looking for a manual what shows how to test an enhancer to spec.
I was able to find a wiring diagram but no specs listed.

Anyone know how I can test this thing? Would intermittent spark on a single cylinder even be a failure mode for an enhancer? I'll already tested the coil and plug wires for resistance wiggling the wires to see if they were broke. I'm getting spark to the plug. I guess the next step is to check compression and fuel delivery. But I'm pretty confident its an electrical gremlin making the the cylinder fire intermediately.


The only way for you to test if your enhancer is faulty is to change it. If you saying one cylinder has a spark and the other has nothing you must have a problem with the HT coil. In cases like this I find subtitution more reliable than testing off load because some problems can be caused by the voltage that is only present under load. See if you can borrow a CDI and a coil to swap.
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