I had 120 pilot jets in my GRS carbs (similar to blackjacks) and the engine ran ok and I could keep it running well with constant throttle input but if I got sloppy it would blubber even at 2 turns out on the low screws. So I went up to 122.5 jets in and it made a huge difference even at only 1/2 turn out. I'm currently at 1 1/2 turns out. It keeps getting slightly better with every adjustment and doesn't require any effort to run right but I can force a blubbering condition if I try hard enough.
My question is this... Should I go up another half size jet? All jetting changes I've made in the past have made an incredible difference once I passed 2 turns but I'm wondering if that's only because I was so far off. I have 125 jets sitting on my desk and wondering if they're worth putting in or if I should keep adjusting to roughly 2 turns and hope it cleans everything up.
My question is this... Should I go up another half size jet? All jetting changes I've made in the past have made an incredible difference once I passed 2 turns but I'm wondering if that's only because I was so far off. I have 125 jets sitting on my desk and wondering if they're worth putting in or if I should keep adjusting to roughly 2 turns and hope it cleans everything up.