impeller spacer?

i rebuilt my pump with a new bearing kit from jetmaniac. when i took the old impeller off, it had the 2 seals, then a spacer then the impeller. when i put it all back together, i tried to install the spacer under the impeller and it makes the shaft and whole assembly bind up. but when i leave it out, the impeller bottoms out on the threads and there is literally not enough space to slide a piece of notebook paper in between the stator veins and the impeller. BUT the impeller doesn't touch the veins. spins freely. is this ok to run?20180422_182903.jpg


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Sounds like either the shaft is not pressed all the way in or the 2 seals are not pressed all the way in.
Seals should be deeper than flush- hard to do unless you had installed them first. It's ok to run without the spacer. Racers used to do that all the time to get the imp closer to the vanes.


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Seals should be deeper than flush- hard to do unless you had installed them first. It's ok to run without the spacer. Racers used to do that all the time to get the imp closer to the vanes.

It is ok, but if it was there before and now it binds with it, then think there is an assembly problem.
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