

Who else?

What's the pitch? I think it's like a 14 18 or something . . .

I found this when looking for a pitch chart:
"Group K08-17-2005, 03:04 PM
The first of the Solas props imported to the USA were designated in what is known as the "A-B-C" series. These prop were 100% (un-heat-treateable) stainless...which meant that the blades could/would bend and flex very easily.
The later Solas Series pros ("X" seriers, "I-J-K" series, and the Concord/Dynafly series) all were made of a heat treatable allloy that had much stiffer blades... and put Solas on the map.
A "B" prop might be suit able for a stock 701... and little else.
Respectfully, Harry Klemm"

So . . .

The Penguin

triple secret probation
well, YB-SC-B is the wrong # - there is no such number. I sent a PM to the guy asking for clarification

it's prolly a YB-SC-S which is a 14-17

Magoo told me this is too steep for a stock ski, so I'll prolly pass. If anyone wants to buy it, I'll hook you up with the seller.
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