impellor torque


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Washington, DC
Hand tight. It'll tighten itself plenty. 'Least that's how I roll.

edit: "By hand tight, I don't mean literally by hand. Just put a good tugging on the wrench to tighten it."
i thight it on benchwise whit a ratchet,but some poeple say if is not enought tight ,like 100 ft pouds the prop can loose an cause damage to the pump,and i put some red locktite on it
Yamaha is left hand thread and only needs about 8ft lbs or hand tight. L

Kawi has right hand threads and needs to have a wrench put on it . Do not recall the torque , but somewhere between arm tight and shoulder tight.


John Tetenes @Jtetenes
Long Island
Your impeller should never loosen up. It's left hand threads and your engine spins left which causes it to tighten everytime there is a load on it I.E when in the water


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wilmington, nc
You'll know if it spins loose when you let off the gas. It's either good or you'll know after a couple minutes of riding.

The kawis definitely can loosen because they are driven by the splines instead of the threads. They tighten from the resistance of the grease and seals in the pump where the yamis have water resistance to tighten the prop.
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