Ironman Triathlon

Any one do any triathlon stuff?

I am just starting to step up my training for next summers Lake Placid Ironman. I had been debating signing up for it and everyone that I spoke to tried to turn me away from setting such a high bar for myself. I ended up not going to the sign up (which happens the next morning after the race), however my English teacher from last year is the head organizer for this Ironman and he said that he can get me into it if I want to.

Everyone I talk to says I'm crazy for even thinking about doing it and most people are doubting that I will follow through. I find it that I take my training seriously when I have a set goal that I have to make. Everyone in sports that I talk with about goal setting sets their goals, but there is never any problems that come if the goal is not met. This is what I like about signing up for the race. It gives me a set goal that I have to work towards to complete and if I slack off there will be alot to pay on race day.

For those who dont know the Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run in that order.

Just thought I'd see if anyone on here does any triathlon training or races. For now my training is alot of biking and running, swimming a good bit when I'm out skiing. Also alot of weight lifting in the gym.


Just plain me....
Dude, I give you props for even entertaining the idea. I surely would never have the discipline to even attempt training for a half-marathon, much less a full triathaon. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. If this is something you want to do & a goal you want to set for yourself, then go for it. There will be plenty of people to support you & knowing you set a goal & did your best is priceless.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Hell yes do it, that is great!

I don't think I could ever have the discipline for it but if you do have at it. It would be quite an accomplishment for in your books.



Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Do it. That's great that you want to set that kind of a goal for yourself. Me myself would make it through about the .4 part of the swim, and I'd be shot! (Thanks to 25 yrs. of Marlboro!)
That will definately be something you can be super proud of. Finish or not. That's a huge goal and a great accomplishment just for giving it a shot!
Best of luck!!
Yea its going to be kind of tough to keep up with the training throughout the winter. I alpine ski race really competatively, i think last year in February I was in school classes maybe 9 days, all the other days traveling and racing throughout the northeast. Luckily my graduation is in early May so after I'm out of school I'll be able to focus mainly on the training.

thanks for the positive support


JM781 Big Bore
Do it man!! I'd like to try a 2/3 triathalon..(would that make it a biathalon without guns and skis?)

I could handle the swimming and the biking(finish dead last, but finish), but never in a million years the running.
You should definately sign up. I have never done any of these but a guy I work with did. He was your ordinary couch potatoe then something happened and he started training. He trained for a year and entered his first Iron Man last year. He completed it. If you set your mind and goals to something, you can complete it!!


Trying to get upside down
Do it man! You got plenty of time to get into shape. Set up a goal for your self, how much swimming/running/Biking is needed weekly and take it from there. I did triathlons as a youngster (1/4) and got buddies who has done it.Heck, my brother in law finnished top 40 in Hawaii some years ago...
Id say maybe do a shorter one first to know whats up, but if you think your up for it, do it for sure. A few friends of mine are doing a local triathalon, its only like a half mile swim, 14 mile bike, and then a 2 mile run. I cant even imagine a 26 mile run, let alone doing it after swimming and biking.
yea I am debating also signing up for the tinman, which is a half ironman on a similar course. So far for training I have been doing a ton of road biking and alot of running. I have started to do a little bit of distance swimming stuff. Nothing too big just swimming out into the lake then back a few times when I'm done riding the ski.

I think I've got it set with my school that they will let me do my own training as a sport for this fall (we have to do a sport year round) The athletic trainer we have there is also a triathlete and he said he would work with me and we can make it happen.

Hopefully everything works out but either way I'm going to keep training. Lot of fun so far.

Fro Diesel

creative control
I've done marathons and similar running events. My brother went to the peace corps in africa recently and left me a nice trek bike to ride. My cousin got a divorce and instead of turning to drugs or alcohol he started training. Now he's a machine and doing small tri's. That motivated me to start diversifying my training. Now that i have a bike, i am going to keep training for swimming by launching my ski as hard as a can then swimming back to it.

I'd say start small with something other then the iron man. This will give you the confidence when you actually do the ironman to get through that 26.2 mile run. What's the best time for completeing the iron man guys and girls.
Top 10 Overall -Men

1. Simon Lessing, Great Britain, 8:23:12-2004
2. Steve Larsen-Davis, Calif., 8:33:11-2001
3. Thomas Hellriegel, Germany, 8:36:59-1999
4. Luke Bell, Australia, 8:37:58-2004
5. Victor Zyemtsev, Ukraine., 8:38:18- 2006
6. Tom Evans, Canada, 8:39:12- 2006
7. Ryan Bolton, Boulder, Colo., 8:39:19-2002
8. Ryan Bolton, Boulder, Colo., 8:41:53-2001
9. Cam Widoff, Boulder, Colo., 8:46:05-2000
10. Kirill Litovtsenko, Estonia, 8:46:15-2003


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
I would plan on dooing it. Start off by dooing a couple Sprints (mini tri) in your area along the way. There is a magazine called the Competitor, has a lot of good traing tips and can help you find a Sprint in your area. I will be dooing my first marathon in October. I run a bit, 30 miles or so a week.
Training for an Ironman is a full time gig. Make sure you have the time to dedicate.
I also recomend a traing group. You can find one locally. People of all levels training together for a race. Great motivation and helps you to know where you should be in your training scheduel.


If you are training for an ironman or even thinking about it, why would you let someone tell you differently? No one knows your mental capability except you. I say mental, because that is what an ironman is. Everyone is an athlete and everyone is physically prepared, thats a given, its an ironman c'mon. Whether or not you are mentally tough enough to take on those challenges is up to you. I have been fortunate enough to compete on many levels of competition, from high school cross country to USA National Team rowing. Through my experiences in becoming an elite athlete (was an elite athlete) I have learned that what separates one person from another is their willingness to push through the pain and go harder then the guy next to him. (I say this so you know where I am coming from.) One of my coaches competed in several ironmans in Hawaii and has been very successful. I have some great things written down that I took from him. If you are interested, i can share some information with you. Sounds like you are doing the right exercises though. I would really focus on your heart rate though (not that you already knew that). Take a lactate test and vo2 max test. It is the only way to know where you are and your physical threshold. Its a great way to improve yourself as well as your workouts. Cheers!
Well I signed up for my first ironman this year also. August is louisville's ironman race. I will also be doing a half ironman in may and the derby mini after. kudos to you for going for it. It rained for placids last year I think and That made me think about my mental mindset. You have to prepair for anything.
I dont hit the gym at all. I just ride run and swim. "alot" I am following a plan from a site and it is not to bad. Finding the time is the hard part. Set a goal and stick to it. you can do it.
Well gotta go ride and run now. 20 mile bike and 5 mile run. short brick workout

Go for it and don't look back!!!


Power and Agility
You guys that do aerobic sports such as triathlons, long distance running, and mountain biking should do a couple days of weights even during in season training to maintain your strength. Obviously, your reps will be lower in the offseason versus in season training since offseason we are trying to accomplish different goals.
Go for it!!

I was actually watching the ironman a few days ago and thought thats something I'd like to acomplish. I'm going to aim for smaller triathlons and runs this year.

I'm not really unfit, but not exactly fit either. I also have trouble following through with any fitness goals.. and I need to work on my swimming big time. Right now I'd drown before I swam 2.4 miles :burnout:

Anyway good luck,
I'm digging up an old post, but is anyone around here into Triathlons now?

I've been thinking about doing the sprint version of the Chicago Triathlon in August, and wanted to hear some success stories.

The running is what I'm nervous about. I swam in high school, and I used to ride bike for exercise, so we'll see what happens. I have no clue how to train for it, so I might try to find a group to train with.


So long and thanks for all the fish
sjweber did complete the Ironman here in Louisville last fall. It was his first and he beat his goal by an hour also. He doesn't like the run either.
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