Is it just me.....?


Just ride
Is it just me or when you get on your bike you completely forget about your ski and get in this MX mode and wanna put all your money toward your bike, but in the summer your like F that I need a big bore, new hull, etc. Just wanna know if I'm the only one? It's even worse now that I have a 450.
yep thats how it is for me to, luckily bikes dont need as much money thrown at them to be competive. take them off the showroom floor and you could win a race with it...bone stock. 450's are awesome i cant get enough of mine. there is now way i will put any money into motor mods for it, its almost to fast how it is! when i first got mine i went to a race without even riding the bike on a track and pulled holeshots in all 3 motos, they make things stupid easy to do...but they can bite you in a hurry


Just ride
when im riden i think damn it would be nice to have some factory connection suspension, some triple clamps, a different bend of bars, a spare set of wheels and tires for going to races and different terrains(I hate changing tires with a passion), maybe a pipe they are easily a grand and you have to have carbon fiber lol.
My biggest thing right now is I want to get the suspension done. I'm a 5'6" 155lb B class rider and my 450 throws me around like a rag doll. They are set up stock for a lot heavier rider than me. Factory Connection quoted me $600 for front and rear revalve, service, new springs, but I know just form talking to people that it will be close to $800 by the time its all done.

Anybody else have their suspension done? My buddies KX450F suspension is done by PR2 and I have to say it is impressive, but the forks and shock on his bike are also Kayaba's and I have Showa's.


Just ride
I have a honda 450, but the kawi 450's have the kayaba's and the kawi 250F's have the showas. Unless they changed something for 07 with suspension i dunno. I'm going to do my suspension this summer when it is ski season.
Is it just me or when you get on your bike you completely forget about your ski and get in this MX mode and wanna put all your money toward your bike, but in the summer your like F that I need a big bore, new hull, etc. Just wanna know if I'm the only one? It's even worse now that I have a 450.

Yup! One thing about a MX bike or any bike for that matter is that the drive is positive contact. So MUCH more of the HP the engine makes gets to the ground. A ski... It takes multiples of horsepower or weight savings to translate power into speed/performance.

I know for a fact that my 250F is so much more capable than how I could ride it, that I would be pissing my money away trying to improve the power. (basicly, I need to learn to ride). with a ski,

Then there's that whole temperature thing. Where I live, it's a scorcher in the summer, and it's freezing in the winter. Our rule has always been bikes in the winter, and water craft in the summer.


Анархия - мать порядка!
Here's the difference:

1. On the water you mostly have to pay for the mods.
2. On land you have to mostly pay medical bills.

Find your perfect balance... :biggthumpup:
I though I found mine when I said "water only for me from now on", but I'm not so sure anymore... :dunno:
the suspension was done on my 450 before i bought it by pr2. luckily i bought it off someone who was 160 B rider same weight and speed as me haha. turned the clickers a bit and i got it perfect(or so i think) my 250 is bone stock and i have it setup so i dont even think i want the suspension done, just want alittle more power out of her....

medical bills aint cheap you got that right haha, my last episode was over 50 grand!


Just ride
KX454, you hittin any races this year? Atco opens the 17th and I don't even know when Englishtown opens. Are you still in district 6 up there?
yep i am D6 i will def be hitting up races. gonna hit englishtown and atco at least once. i wanna hit unadilla again also. i usually run hurricane hills (close to me) and broome-tioga. but pagoda is good and so is doublin gap...there are so many i hit last year i forget where to go haha. not gonna be racin as much though cause i got hurt real bad in sept and it was bad for school (missed two weeks) where you usually run at?
also if you ever get a chance go to miles moutnain, totally sick track. SUPER fast, big jumps and great dirt only track i have gotten 5th gear on my 250f and man it can get scary!


Just ride
I usually race locally like atco, the beach race in wildwood, and when mt.pleasant was open. i wanna go to big tracks though. I heard they completely re-done pagoda and it's better now. I wanna hit some practices at e-town before i race there. They run practice on the race track now. The are actually doing a Loretta's qualifier at e-town this year so i may try to hit that up as well. You should go down to the race at wildwood, it is the funnest race you could go to and don't listen to anyone about getting sand in your bike, i've done it 8 times now and never had any failure on my bike due to the sand. you can pit with us, there's usually a bunch of us.
i would love to do that race at wildwood sounds like a blast. the lorettas qualifier will be PACKED at e-town. yeah they redid pagoda and the track goes the opposite way now, i actually like how it was configured before. but its still a great track no doubt. if you get a chance in sept there is the new york state championship at broome tioga, you get to run the national track and its a three moto format good time


Just ride
i always wanted to go to broome tioga. I definetly want to hit up buds creek this year, but I heard rumors they werent open this year. I was there last march when my buddy ran the quad nationals and went last fathers day to see all the big dogs at the mx national. Carmichael is sooooo much faster in person it is insane! I go riden a lot on the weekends here, there are a lot of gravel pits and good riden around me when it gets warm out you should come down and ride and bring your ski we'll hit the inlet too, lol.
budds is an awesome track to ride at..yeah i would love to come out there and ride, when it gets warm let me know and i could go down for a weekend. i usually ride on old coal column banks here, awesome hillclimbs, and there are tons of trails.


Just ride
you got to get to the gravel pits. You wont want to go on another trail after you ride there. The tracks we make are just like mx tracks and their rougher so their awesome practice and theres all types of terrain. What else is fun about it is there is a lot of different jumps around that you can mess around on, some are big and some are small. We usually do all the jumps to practice scrubbin speed, It's a blast. Atco opens 17th you gonna go? I'll be there.


Not After Fame & Fortune
either of you ever ride up at jackfrost before they shut it down? that place was great use to go up there every weekend.

i thought e town's practice track didn't even open up last season? too much complaining by the locals.

as much as i would like to ride again i don't want to get injured again, riding at the track was great when you got in that groove where you could hit every thing and ride really smoothly, i do miss it.


Just ride
well e-town has been having insurance issues my friend knows the guy who owns it pretty good. if you go practice there you need to basically buy an insurance policy for yourself for a year through them and then money to practice whenever you go. thats what i heard from a reliable source so we'll see how it goes up there, e-town is a gnarly track.

Scheduled my suspension to go out the monday after my first race, can't wait to see if it helps that much.
i used to ride up a jack frost alot, good for practice i wish it stayed open. i will be skiing in utah on the 17th. there is suppose to be a nice indoor track in connecticut, i may be interested in going there what you think?
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