I sold the cruiser..
the cruiser was $350 a year for insurance, and got 50 mpg.
this bike is $76 per year to insure, and gets 85mpg.
and this one is more fun ( nimble) around town, I ride to the lakehouse, and remove the mirrors and follow the kids on the trails.
I love it.
it IS underpowered, and it does need more suspension.
But, it fill my not too demanding needs very well.
itll go 70mph, but its too squirrely in the wind to be highway capable really.
around town though, up to 55 or 60, its rockin, I can zip to work and back home easily, and its fun.
construction zones, mean I just hit the sidewalk and keep on moving.
I like it.
BUt id probably pick up a XT350 if I found one cheap.
the xr650l is probably a great bike, thats alot mor power, and hopefully alot more suspension that the xt225.