
Breaking News:
James Stewart - First day back on his Factory Kawasaki since injuring knee in chase of the 2007 National championship
Plus: James confirms his roll in the Nations race!
By: Davey Ray - Moto Reviews, LTD. posted on “www.ThrottleJunkie.com
Every other Sunday I head over to Lake Elsinore Motocross Park and report on the Moto X-Kid’s Race. I see a good deal of races, and the kids are always exciting! Kevin Reno of LEMX Productions, keeps it fun and safe for all!
So it was there I caught up with the ever gracious James Stewart. James stopped to speak with me and granted this interview. Just before hand, I stood and watched as James created poetry in motion, as he carved through the main track with such a fluid rhythm, that for that time, that track … was his!
Seeing James rocket around the track was like having an old friend back. So I waited in anticipation for James to catch his breath. I then made my way over to his truck. As I’d mentioned, James Stewart is very gracious with his fans. And in person, just like on TV, I found James sport’n his trade mark smile!
James is quiet, but warm as well when approached, and doesn’t shy away from his fans. He had no less then two dozen fans about him. He gave his time for both pictures and autographs to everyone that asked. I awaited the fan fare to end, for my turn!!! Once his attention turned to me, this is how it went -
Davey Ray: Hello James, thanks for talking with me today. Good to see you back out there. How are doing and how’s your knee feeling ?
James Stewart: Its good, ya know … I’m just out here playing around. It’s my “first day” back on the bike, so ... ya know, were just out here having a little fun,… It feels good.
Davey Ray: That’s good news ,you being back on the bike. You’re looking great on the track. What are your plans for the Nation race. Will you race, or are you saving yourself for the upcoming season ?
James Stewart: No,…I’m just going there to support the team, ya know… I’m still not ready, and don’t want to set the team back. And I think Timmy is a real good choice for that. He’s been racing the last half of year, and im just going to go, and ya know, support the team and everything … just hang out.
Davey Ray: Ok then, well … that settles it! There you have it world! Thanks for the update James. Many had speculated on this, and now we know. While the fans will miss you, we want you to get yourself fully recovered as well. With that said, are you now back on a full training schedule ?
James Stewart: I mean, it’s just that were out here having some fun today. … Ya know, like I said, it’s the first day back, and we just wanted to get out on the bike, and I feel good enough to get on the bike. We have a long time before the season starts, so we have allot of work to do, and I’m sure we’ll be ready.
Davey Ray: That’s great to hear James. I was surprised to see you riding today, as news on your condition has been very quiet at best. Ok so last off, have you talked much with your buddy Ricky Carmichael as of late ?
James Stewart: No, actually no …. he’s been busy doing his stock car stuff, so we really haven’t had much of a chance to talk., and ya know I’ve been away from the races, so …. I talked to him, actually once, just after Millville. Just called him, and said congratulations on the hundred and fifty, but that was it pretty much it. Im sure we’ll talk more later.
Davey Ray: All right then James, Thank for the interview… Take care and have a great day.

James Stewart: No problem, thank you !
Davey Ray - Moto Reviews, LTD – www.ThrottelJunkie.com
I have spoke to James at Lake Elsinore Motocross Park in the past and have seen him a few other times as well. I spend a good deal of time at LEMP, doing what I do, … I ride there to, mostly with my close friend, Hall-of-Fame & Jet-ski champ Mike “Mauler” Yellich, also of ThrottleJunkie.com.
I can tell you, that it’s not un-common to see Factory guys and other top pros at LEMP. Not only pros, but some seriously talented, yet unknown riders as well.
It’s my love (or addiction) of riding and the sport that drives me to do Moto Reviews, LTD. I love finding new talent, reporting on kids, the fast girls … who knows, maybe the next champion, or GOAT even …
Check back to see what Pro Circuits - Mitch Payton has say about what he looks for in new talent, and girls that have talent in bikes … many female riders will find this very interesting indeed.
I’ll be meeting with Mike La Paglia at his home this week and will repot on said. Next week, ive been invited to “the Yard” to put down in ink what “Manny” has to says from his side of the fence …
Ride Fast, Pray Hard, Give it all you got !
Davey Ray
Moto-Reviews, LTD,
david@mxLoanRider.com -


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