Jetworks FCV alternative? 12$


Buy a Superjet
Haven't used one, but looks like it would work. Adjustable from 1-30psi
Try it on your cooling line first and let me know if it works lol Prolly gonna buy one myself too. Got some other use cases for it anyways if it doesn't pan out.


Buy a Superjet
haha Yeah I saw that delivery date on Amazon and was like screw that. If that first one doesn't work well then I'll probably get a legit one from JetWorks, considering an even cheaper $4 one most likely won't work any better. My only concern with these alternatives are rust/corrosion on the ball and spring.

We can get the cone springs and rubber balls that jetworks uses from mcmastercarr.
I needed to thread a bigger hole for this one. The fittings on these are way too small to run for cooling. Other than that it works perfectly fine as a cheap alternative. Wish the fittings were inline tho and not 90°.

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what you clearly didn't notice is the bleed hole in the threads. it will have to be JB/welded/plugged or its going to squirt water as soon as the valve opens
I did noticed it. The bolt that tightens the top piece down covers it. I just swapped out the spring to a much shorter yet stiffer kind. Either way, it didn't work out as well as I'd expected. They're not really designed for water as the passage way is a bit limited. Oh well, for $4 it was worth a shot and good to have around for another application. I got the pro FCV on the way anyways.


SW Tenn
Haven't got mine yet. Have you tried hooking it up to a hose to see how much pressure it takes to open?

I know this thread has been dead for a while but I figured I would ask about how the valve ended up working out. Any glaring issues other than its nipple size?
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