300/440/550 JS440 Exhaust pipe


Sweet Baby Ray's Sucks
Daytona Beach
Hey there, i just entered the world of stand up jet skis over the summer after becomming bored with the sit down style wave runners. still nice to sit down once in a while, but gets a little boring quick. i have a question about my 440. after riding it for a while ive been getting anoyed with the exhaust pipe sticking out the side splashing me in the face everytime i make a left turn. Is that thing required to hang down so low. if so what is it for? the only thing i can think of is sound supression or to keep water from entering the exhaust when the engine is off, but that doesnt seem too likley to me considering thats what the water box does and when u ride straight its out of the water. also the exhaust is filled with water when it sitting still anyway. i hope that made any sense at all. thanks for your help.
yea its normal for some water to stay in the waterbox when not in use, a few blips of throttle to get most of it out, but it never all comes out.

your exhaust in the face situation is normal, thats just the way kawasaki made it that year, you can do like kawi did and move it to the lower front right, or you can make it a rear exit exhaust. all require modding to the hull


Georgetown ca
Below the bondline right side exhaust is very easy to doz
all you need is the new hose from water box to side exit.
Whole saw and drill.
I have not tried to order in some time, bit you could buy all the parts from Kawasaki.
Ps. The hose is long to direct the exhaust down and away from your face.
It's also to keep the black off the upper half.
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