JSA Ultralite 62t charging flywheels * On Sale*


Standing Tall
Staff member
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For sale, Brand New Australian made JSA 62t ultralite Charging Flywheel
I have been running one on my personal boat for over a year. So far has been flawless!
Incredible throttle response, running off a simple MSD enhancer !
Lightest of all Alum charging flywheels made for the 62t
Made from 7000 series Aircraft grade Alum
Comparable weights
Jetinetics J315 2.65 lbs
TBM 124-YAM 2.05 lbs
JSA 1.84 LBS

Comes with new oem mag cover gasket and woodruff key
$600 shipped! USA only Sale Price $550 Shipped Priority Mail 0C349819-F315-44EC-B919-20AEE59F5545.jpeg
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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Last Flywheel has been sold! Ill have a new batch in about two weeks. For those who inquired,
You will have first option when the new ones arrive.

Ski ya, Paul
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