Just Got the Addiction Today


Broken Jetskiier
Chicago, IL
I love the sticker pack. Thats how you package a good video. You're already on my good side. I'm going to watch it right now. I haven't seen a good jetski vid in 5 years. So this better be damn good. :sneaky:

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
i was hoping to see one in my mailbox when i got home today. i was bummed.

cant wait to see it. instead, i gotta hear stoyer rub it in my face about how good it is. argh.

:banghead: ...wtf...how is it you guys in that neck of FL are taking so long to get the vid???

sorry saki, im not sure what is up with that...

Jeremy S.

Freeride Newb
I rushed to the mail, like a fat kid eating cake, today. I was bummed like a let down child on christmas day when no dvd's had arrived yet :(

soon, soon...I keep telling myself.

PS: KC, Mo


lone wolf
havnt seen mine yet either,its prolly in a dumpster somewhere :rolleyes: my mailcarrier hates me.my dog bit her a couple years ago :scared: shes got it in for me now.all she ever delivers anymore are BILLS!:banghead:


Broken Jetskiier
Chicago, IL
I was wrong about the widescreen. My TV stretched it to 16:9. No big deal

Anyway, here is my review.

Its up there among the best of all time. Nice Job. It was very well filmed. Picture quality was excellent. The action was very good and featured alot of riders in racing freeride and freestyle. The music was excellent. I loved the Jetwaves'esque ride into mexico segment. The mexico segment was definitely my favorite followed closely by the daytona segment. The racing scenes were very good as well. It was good to see some you you guys from the sight get some recognition. One issue that I have is why there was only 3 second of scott watkins in the vid? More Watkins in the next one.

I can tell that you guys at Nascency had your hearts in this video. That's what we need in this sport. Keep it up and thanks for a keeper of a video. Now how do I get in the next one? :biggrin:

Music: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:

Production: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:

Action::biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:
i hobbled up to th mailbox today, but no video yet, o well, i guess i'm staying in tomorrow night to watch it instead of going to the movies with the wifey. Hopefully this video will cheer me up while my knee is recovering, and get me motivated for next season and make me work harder at rehab!!


The movie freakin Rocks.... I am stoked !
I am going to watch it again ! :cheer:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I was wrong about the widescreen. My TV stretched it to 16:9. No big deal

Anyway, here is my review.

Its up there among the best of all time. Nice Job. It was very well filmed. Picture quality was excellent. The action was very good and featured alot of riders in racing freeride and freestyle. The music was excellent. I loved the Jetwaves'esque ride into mexico segment. The mexico segment was definitely my favorite followed closely by the daytona segment. The racing scenes were very good as well. It was good to see some you you guys from the sight get some recognition. One issue that I have is why there was only 3 second of scott watkins in the vid? More Watkins in the next one.

I can tell that you guys at Nascency had your hearts in this video. That's what we need in this sport. Keep it up and thanks for a keeper of a video. Now how do I get in the next one? :biggrin:

Music: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:

Production: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:

Action::biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:

Scott was only at Lanier for a short while, I never even saw him!!!!!!!
Scott was only at Lanier for a short while, I never even saw him!!!!!!!
It was very short! luckily I was able to shake his hand and thank him for all the Yamaha shwag he brought us for the raffle. I never saw him ride. i was stoked to see that Chris got at least a shot of Scott. :biggrin:


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
The mexico segment was definitely my favorite :

Me to, but thats cuz I was in it :woot: :woot:

Had mine by noon Cali time.:woot: :woot:

Watched it a couple times and once with the wife. Then I watched the extras.... Tequila=me stoopid:sneaky: :sneaky:

Thanks Chris, and good work!
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