Kitty needs a nose job

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I don't remember what I did to break this - but I hope I had fun doing it :biggrin:

any suggestions for how to fix it?

so far I've sanded down front and back and right now have a piece of 2" ribbon stuck on the backside and drying - so hopefully that will give me a place to start.


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Just plain me....
I don't remember what I did to break this - but I hope I had fun doing it :biggrin:

any suggestions for how to fix it?

so far I've sanded down front and back and right now have a piece of 2" ribbon stuck on the backside and drying - so hopefully that will give me a place to start.
Ask Madmat...I think he used elmer's glue in Daytona:laugh2:

The Penguin

triple secret probation
OK - so the cardboard and foil were a bad idea :biggrin:

I thought the foil would peel right off the glass - wrong.

Anyway, after the first layer of backing dried, I went ahead and filled in the missing piece with some West Systems mixed very thick with 404 and laid another piece of 2" tape on the outside.

tonight I'll sand it down and place another layer using 4" tape folded over the lip and extended out about 4" from each side of the repair. I'll follow that up with another sanding and then a piece the runs around the entire nose.

maybe it will hold up for a while


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R.I.P. 11/27/2008
On my old SJ I have made a metal band that I lay in the glass work, then cut the lip to the same size of the side.. made it look like slimmer nose.


Ride for life
North NJ
I don't remember what I did to break this - but I hope I had fun doing it :biggrin:

any suggestions for how to fix it?

so far I've sanded down front and back and right now have a piece of 2" ribbon stuck on the backside and drying - so hopefully that will give me a place to start.

Rushing into the beach to get the free ice cream?


the first thing you shoudl do to a square nose is cut the overhang on the front of the nose almost completely off..its WAY longer than a roundnose and acts like a lever and will snap off quite easily..i would have just trimmed broke off to about where it needs to be trimmed buddy and i spent allot of time building a nice square and he wouldnt listen to me about trimming it that far up..he just trimmed an inch or so off and it snapped off just like i told him it would....and in case you dont believe me this is an old trick that JK and taylor curtis used to do to thier squares back in the old days

The Penguin

triple secret probation
this hull only needs to last a few more months...I hope. :biggrin:

by then maybe my RN will be done, and then I can spend some time on this one. In the meantime - it's summer and I don't need any more projects right now
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this hull only needs to last a few more months...I hope. :biggrin:

by then maybe my RN will be done, and then I can spend some time on this one. In the meantime - it's summer and I don't need any more projects right now

so just take out a jig saw and trim the nose off to where it is already broken strait across..done need for glasswork


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I got this tip From Rickster....

Use the foil backed 3M tape, make it so that you are glassing onto the adhesive side of the tape. After whatever you are working on has cured, the foil part will peel right off, and you can acetone and wipe away the adhesive that is left (If any even sticks... not alot did for me) Also, that foil tape can be layered so make it stiffer if need be.
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