KTM 125 finishes 15th in Supercross main

Remember Bubbas last few 125 races??? where he was destroying all the 4 strokes?? WOW Then when he finnally got on a 4 stroke outdoors and it was just crazy how bad he beat them all..

You can still do good on a 2smoke,,but it takes alot better ridder. Ive gotten to lazy ridin my 4 stroke,dont have to worry bout makin sure ya exit a turn perfectly to hit the tripple out of it, you can mess up more on a 4stroke and still have the power to clear the jumps with ease.

I used to wrench for KTM great bikes,KTM is finnaly gettin decent riders and are making a showing. Look for Zach Osborne to get better,he use to tear up the minis if hed just get in shape he could do so much better

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
It was so great to hear the wind of a 2 stroke in that stadium, almost every heat lights and main had 1 2stroke in them. 4 strokes sound so horrible. And dude got 5 G's for qualifying on a 2 stroke!!!!!
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You just have to get to some offroad races, at my ISDE race a few weeks ago there were lots o' smokers (including me).
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