Lady thinks her mini van was a jet ski in Daytona?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I saw the article on facebook earlier. Something is definitely off. The report said she was incoherent so I'm thinking diabetic.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I was working with a contractor once and he went from a top level programming genius to a babbling moron in under an hour. Thankfully one of our operators was diabetic, recognized the signs and was able to get him medical attention. We were dumbfounded at how fast the deterioration occurred.

We had been working on a problem, we left him in the control room while we made some adjustments in the field and returned to find him in a hot mess.


Arlington TX
Jesus Christ... This isn't even funny.

I'm from Texas, mothers kill their kids way too frequently here.

Excerpt from that last link.
One witness said the children in the backseat were screaming that their mom was trying to kill them.

"The two in the backseat was crying with their arms out saying 'Our mommy's trying to kill us, please help," Tim Tesseneer, a witness, told First Coast News.
Tesseneer said rescuers were leaving the minivan and were told by the children that there was a baby in the vehicle. The mother "wouldn't say a word. She didn't tell us nothing about a baby."

I hope that^^^ is some made up Fox News BS.... But it being intentional was the first thing I thought of reading the story.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
She was also pregnant, she very easily could have been having some kind of psychological break, Like women have after birth with Postpartum Depression, May have been some type of Prepartum Depression. Any of us who's wives have had a baby knows they get very emotional.


Arlington TX
Wilkerson locked the doors of her 2012 Honda Odyssey, closed the windows and told the children to close their eyes and go to sleep, the children told investigators.

Wilkerson ignored her children's pleas and told them they were going to a "safer place."

I hope she gets her ass beaten in prison. Repeatedly.

I can't express how irritated I am about this.... unbelievable.
Where the F is one single word about a Father!? She is preggo with 3 others and not one word and the kids have been handed over to the state.

I hate this POS bitch....mental or not.
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