Lake Allergies??

Hey guys, I've really been getting into freestyle this summer, and therefore have spent a lot of time at my local lake (lake allatoona). I grew up on this lake and have swam in it for more than 15 years, but this is the first time it's made me sick. One ride a week and I dont notice it too bad, but two or three times a week I get super-congested and sneeze pretty often. My family physician didn't put to much stock in my lake allergy theory and just slapped me with some anti-biotics. I did start to notice an improvement in the 10 days since, but I think it's only from my lack of riding in that time. This weekend I rode friday and saturday and now im "sick" again.

I know the obvious suggestion would be to stay out of the lake, but I think I'd rather fight the sickness than stop riding. My question is, has anyone experienced this or know anyone that has? Thanks in advance for the info!!


Eat, Drink, Breath x2's

I get the same thing late in the summer at a small pond I ride (Three Palms in Houston)...... IF I fall off alot riding buoys. If I get water flush up my nose and into my eyes me and a couple other buds get good headcold for a week.

The water actually burns my nasal passages when it flushes my nose.

The solution....... don't fall off. Another guy I ride with is very experienced at bouys and he rides all day around the course on a 951-sxr WOT with out even getting wet......

If I don't fall in I don't get sick.


Squarenose FTW
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get a saline nose douche from your local pharmacy
mix up the packets in the squeeze bottle and flush your head
after riding
It works!! :Banane01:
I pretty much get the same thing every time I ride. You could get some nasal allergy spray from the doc that would relieve the nasal congestion. If your eyes itch then just use Visene-A. I used to use Claritin, but it doesn't work anymore. Now I just suffer through the couple of days after I ride. So pretty much half of the Summer I'm sick. As long as I feel good by the next w/e so I can ride again, I'm good. It's worth it haha!


Not After Fame & Fortune
one lake I rode at gave me the worst sinus infection I have ever had. I couldn't breathe out of my nose for 3 days solid. That was the worst feeling ever, going to bed at night was terrible because of the cotton mouth. the big thing that helped was as soon as i fall i start breathing out of my nose a little bit so water never gets in there. it has been working, but afrin no drip helps clear it up too.


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
I usually get a little stuffed up the day after I ride, but never sick. I always make sure to blow my nose and stuff after going in. Subscribing to this thread for a few of those remedies. Might have to try some of those out!


Hey guys, I've really been getting into freestyle this summer, and therefore have spent a lot of time at my local lake (lake allatoona). I grew up on this lake and have swam in it for more than 15 years, but this is the first time it's made me sick. One ride a week and I dont notice it too bad, but two or three times a week I get super-congested and sneeze pretty often. My family physician didn't put to much stock in my lake allergy theory and just slapped me with some anti-biotics. I did start to notice an improvement in the 10 days since, but I think it's only from my lack of riding in that time. This weekend I rode friday and saturday and now im "sick" again.

I know the obvious suggestion would be to stay out of the lake, but I think I'd rather fight the sickness than stop riding. My question is, has anyone experienced this or know anyone that has? Thanks in advance for the info!!

I’m not fond of most doctors or our health care system in general, but if your “family doctor” (primary care physician I’m guessing) is not listening to your input, replace the individual…you’re in charge, not he/she. It sounds like you personally need to be seen by a specialist for your predicament in this instance (over the counter drugs are mere band aides when something is chronic as you describe). Your primary can refer you to an allergist or ears/nose/throat specialist if a referral is necessary for insurance purposes. Instead of paying for a second visit to your primary, call and ask for the referral to be faxed to you.

I hope you visit a specialist and get to feeling better in the near future. It is something you should wish to deal with aggressively before additional issues develop, for it could potentially cause you related chronic problems down the line if not…high expenses to boot (one sinus infection left untreated can develop into chronic sinusitis and then surgery on down the road…best to cough the smaller expense up now).

:pokey:Army Corp of Eng’s has so much of that property up there…they’re probably dumping test chemicals and covertly observing you like a rabbit for reactions! :pancake:Allatoona is where I first began riding and truly beautiful in spots…I hope when it filled back up with water, it filled with good water! Get well soon (all of you)!


Denton, TX
I made some nasal douche last night and it helped me a LOT ...
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
stir till it's clear
I'm reusing a (washed) saline nasal spray bottle I had around - perfect. I was actually able to breathe freely when I woke up today, prbly the first time in a month.


I had a vision!
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s florida
We get the same thing were we ride at the swamp (fresh water canal right next to the everglades) We call it "The Markam sniffles. I found the best way to avoid this crap is to get a nose clip...the same as the swimmers and divers use.

BTW, I'm glad were just not the only ones that get's this crap!!


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I get the same thing after riding. I usually give it a couple days and lightly use nasal spray. If it does not clear up, or is very bad, I do a nasal irrigation. Similar to what others have posted, but I use water, a little sea salt, and some apple cider vinegar (just a little or it burns like hell). You can add some honey to it if needed to help with the taste. Also have it luke warm. The apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-viral. We use it for cold/flu symptoms too.

I would strongly suggest avoiding antibiotics for nasal infections. Most are caused by viruses and the antibiotics don't do jack for them anyway, plus kills off all of the good bacteria in your digestive tract too.

I get sinus infections in spring from allergies (gives me killer headache that last for over a week), and from lake water sometimes. Allegra/Claritin/etc doesn't help me. Flonase helps some, but not 100%. This irrigation clears them up in a couple days, and eases the pressure and congestion immediately.
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