SXR Last year for Jet Ski 800 sx-r...Anyone else saddened by this news?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It will be back with a 4 stroke .This isn't the first time they stopped production remember the 750

They stocked production because they overbuilt in 96. Do not know if the 96 SJ really effected sales or not that year, but they had too much inventory. I think they may have still produced for the overseas market. Not sure, thought I remembered reading that years back. Kinda like how they still sold the Blaster overseas for a few years after they stopped here.
higher ups at kawasaki say there are some great new things in the works but haven't seen anything in person yet.

i wouldn't worry to much, it just means that the people that really love the sport will be left with all the kooks gone.

great new things? as in a new standup?


Captain of this ship
I heard that SXR is done for, no market in USA, sales are way to low (<1000 units). EPA makes it impossible to sell in US market, and I am sure the R&D cost for a new motor/hull design is out of the question.

Looking at the Kawasaki website they are selling the "37 years" limited edition ski, where as if you go to the Canada site there is no limited edition ski, just another SXR.... maybe they will only be sold outside of US.


Captain of this ship
“Those of us that learned to Jet Ski on a standup, and still love the challenge and excitement of riding one, aren't happy about the situation,” says Kawasaki’s Long, “but the facts are simple. As we told our dealers at the Las Vegas Dealer meeting... ‘Due to emissions regulations the Jet Ski 800SX-R cannot be manufactured after the 2011 model year. There is no replacement model planned. So.... this is it.”

Thats it
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