Late afternoon closeout surf


No Square..No Round..FX-1
After some major lightning and heavy rain, Joe B, special fx, and I decided to head out front side for some small high tide surf. It was fun, but the "closeout" action was tight. We all needed wheels. Thanks for the pix Jill!!!!


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Some of my most memorable rides were after a storm passed, ocean calmed with small "play" rollers (in 2ft water :eek:uch:), public beaches cleared of ALL humans and we owned the coastline.

BTW: Don't try to catch a water spout. It took me (us) 3 miles of WOT riding and 3 cartwheels until we were finally in it.


Jet zoomers
Some of my most memorable rides were after a storm passed, ocean calmed with small "play" rollers (in 2ft water :eek:uch:), public beaches cleared of ALL humans and we owned the coastline.

BTW: Don't try to catch a water spout. It took me (us) 3 miles of WOT riding and 3 cartwheels until we were finally in it.

Not to threadjack but how did you get near it? Wasn't that scary as hell? Aren't they as powerful as a tornado?

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
Some of my most memorable rides were after a storm passed, ocean calmed with small "play" rollers (in 2ft water :eek:uch:), public beaches cleared of ALL humans and we owned the coastline.


I love crappy days:woot: I don't work in the rain & the beach is empty:party:
It's raining here now... I'm thinking the high tide tonight sounds good:woot:

BTW these shots are on a shore break less than 20 ft. from the beach. Lot's of dirt ridding:laughing: where are those pics????


Gordon and Joe... We gotsta meet up for a rip ! :cheer:
Not to threadjack but how did you get near it? Wasn't that scary as hell? Aren't they as powerful as a tornado?
Yes, water-spouts are tiny tornados on water. In the open ocean, it doesn't scare me and they are quite amazing when you get near because the water begins to trickle up and they aren't powerful enough to pick you up like Toto.

However, if I see this ----> :lightning: I am out of there!! Last week we had a diver get hit by lightening (tank) and die.


No Square..No Round..FX-1
Sorry for the suspense...Been busy. Here's a few more of yesterdays antics. I'll try to dig up a few more. Some of the best "beach landings" somehow got overlooked. It was really dark & gloomy so the pictures came out a little....dark.

Sanford, I've seen those waterspouts before but never "chased" them. You guys are crazy!!The Wizard of Oz always comes to mind when I see them. :laughing:

Yo Pete! FX guy's are here to ride mostly on weekends. Ring up! :brap:


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No Square..No Round..FX-1
A few more dark side pix. :cool:


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