Super Jet Length of stock SJ battery cables

I'm using a donor Ebox from a Waveraider and I believe they are too short, still gathering parts and don't have the Ebox installed yet to measure.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
If you re-route the couch positive wire to the battery between the carbs and the cylinder it will just about make it to the battery.

Depends on what couch you pull it out of though. I can't remember if the raider one reaches off the top of my head though.


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
If you re-route the couch positive wire to the battery between the carbs and the cylinder it will just about make it to the battery.

Depends on what couch you pull it out of though. I can't remember if the raider one reaches off the top of my head though.

The raider positive cable that goes to the battery is to short..On the raider the battery is mounted under the seat witch is right behind the electrical box..The other positive cable that goes to the starter will be ok..
OK, sounds like one of the 3 will work, does anyone have a length on the negative cable and the positive cable from the battery to the Ebox?
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