This is a huge pet peeve ......
For this discussion the who, what ,when ,where and why is not important . What is important is that "WE" represent our sale items accurately .
We can all see a picture of an item for sale . If it's dirty we can see .... it's dirty . If it's scratched.... we can see it's scratched . What we can't see are threads that are non functional that need to be drilled and helicoiled . We can't see bearings that spin rough or have excessive amounts of lash . There many other things " WE " can't see in a picture.
Some of you are wondering ...... How can this be corrected ...... I have a brilliant solution ..... Are you ready..... I mean really really ready for the solution to "OUR" problem .
I'll break it down concisely .
Definition of : SiMPLY
a : without ambiguity : clearly
b : without embellishment : plainly
c : directly, candidly
Definition of : OFFER
1. To present for acceptance or rejection
a. To put forward for consideration; propose
b. To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement to facilitate the decision-making process.
a. To make available; afford
b. To present for sale.
c. To provide; furnish
Definition of : FULL
a: containing as much or as many as is possible or normal
a : complete especially in detail
b : lacking restraint, check, or qualification
c : having all distinguishing characteristics
d : not lacking in any essential
e : being at the highest or greatest degree
Definition of : DISCLOSURE
the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation.
that which is disclosed; a revelation.
Put it all together and it reads " simply offer full disclosure " . So... if you have an item for sale tell EVERYTHING you KNOW about the item . Maybe inspect it for proper operation etc. . I'm sure some things are missed by the individual selling , but in most cases it's just plan inconsiderate / immoral behavior . Keep "OUR " board Honest .
Rant over ! You may now return to your regularly scheduled broadcast .
For this discussion the who, what ,when ,where and why is not important . What is important is that "WE" represent our sale items accurately .
We can all see a picture of an item for sale . If it's dirty we can see .... it's dirty . If it's scratched.... we can see it's scratched . What we can't see are threads that are non functional that need to be drilled and helicoiled . We can't see bearings that spin rough or have excessive amounts of lash . There many other things " WE " can't see in a picture.
Some of you are wondering ...... How can this be corrected ...... I have a brilliant solution ..... Are you ready..... I mean really really ready for the solution to "OUR" problem .
I'll break it down concisely .
Definition of : SiMPLY
a : without ambiguity : clearly
b : without embellishment : plainly
c : directly, candidly
Definition of : OFFER
1. To present for acceptance or rejection
a. To put forward for consideration; propose
b. To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement to facilitate the decision-making process.
a. To make available; afford
b. To present for sale.
c. To provide; furnish
Definition of : FULL
a: containing as much or as many as is possible or normal
a : complete especially in detail
b : lacking restraint, check, or qualification
c : having all distinguishing characteristics
d : not lacking in any essential
e : being at the highest or greatest degree
Definition of : DISCLOSURE
the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation.
that which is disclosed; a revelation.
Put it all together and it reads " simply offer full disclosure " . So... if you have an item for sale tell EVERYTHING you KNOW about the item . Maybe inspect it for proper operation etc. . I'm sure some things are missed by the individual selling , but in most cases it's just plan inconsiderate / immoral behavior . Keep "OUR " board Honest .
Rant over ! You may now return to your regularly scheduled broadcast .