Life vest: polyester or neoprene?

Hello guys,
I have to buy a life vest (side entry) and I have noticed there are both neoprene vests (tight hug feeling and softer) and polyester vests (much looser feeling and more rigid meterial)...
Which kind do you recommend? Both offer the same protection in case of impact? And the same comfort?
The price of the neoprene ones is slightly higher but I do not know if it's just the usual commercial gimmick or if they are actually better...
Please help me decide! ;) Thanks
Both types have there pros and cons in fit and protection. Its all based on design. When it comes down to it you should buy the jacket that fits and feels the best on your body. They are only jetskis unless your riding surf or racing that crashes generally aren't bad enough to worry about protection.
I was planning to go surf and that's why I was asking about protection :) I come from the motorcycle world where protection has to come first ;) I've heard some vests dry quicker, others don't get wet at all, some other offer thicker protection on the chest, etc... well I just really don't know which one to buy... I know I should buy the ones that best feel and fit but I'd like a little more, I'd like a jacket that will be the right one even when I will have learned to backflip, you know what I mean? :D
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Getting Vertical=Freedom
Chandler, az
ive got a Jetpilot Assault vest.. absolutely love it.. feels like nothing there.. i just ride flat water. i think if i was in the ocean, i would use a coast guard approved vest.. alittle thicker, more protection, and better buoyancy.. just my $.02


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I have to say the jettribe vest is the best I have ever owned and you can buy plastic armor for it for protection.
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