little bit of pricing help?


Always just this close
hey all, someone called me telling me their neighboor wanted to get rid of the junk in his yard/garage. I wanted to make him an offer but it woiudl have to be a steal for me to take on another project. (I will probably just part it out and keep what i need)

He has 2 701 engines both with bad cranks but good everything ekse. all original bore and stock.

any ideas n what to offer?

thanks all
are they shortblocks? or do they have carbs, electrics, starters, etc?

pricing of either would depend on the condition of the rest of whats there.

is there excessive corrosion? signs of overheating?

PM me if you need a good used crank or 2.


Johnstown, NY
Well if the cranks are bad I'd only expect the topends are shot too. I'd offer a couple hundred max.. If they are shortblocks. If they include all the accessories then possibly three hundred.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Yea, but there would be labor involved on his end. I'd personally offer 350 for it all, with a max of maybe 450 if they are 1996+ engines. Even cylinders needing a rebore or new sleeves will bring 50 bucks
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