Looking for info on a rn for sale

Don't know much about it but if I were you I'd go grab that before I do. Price is unbeatable when you factor cost to do what's done to the tray.

If I wasn't looking for a rickter I'd be at this one on monday.


keep it simple
Pretty sure that's not the original engine. I think all the newer skis have the silver finish. Like this....

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keep it simple
Just finished reading your first post and now seeing that the original engine was pulled. If you do get this ski keep in mind that some monkey with a wrench might of taken it apart and replaced gaskets/seals etc. If they didn't know what they're doing it might cause headaches. If youre comfortable working on skis make sure the engine is aligned, etc etc etc. Another point of concern would be the electronics. The engine looks like it came out of a sit-down? Check condition and keep in mind that things like the coil isn't as good as a stock superjet coil.

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