That hull definitely surprised me. Take the Jeff drama out of it. My buddy jumped on his and I figured he was gonna spend a lot of time in the water, nope, he ripped it. WFO on the river, small motor flips etc. The ya got Pete going 20' in the ocean jeez. Kinda what I mean about the abilities of these new hull designs. I know this isn't much help, but its pretty much a "you cant go wrong" situation it seems. If I were in the market I guess I would set myself parameters in order of importance and go from there. Price, how many of said product have broken/had problems (problem is people are not talking/being honest), ease of assembly etc. Whatever is important to you. I know people say "go ride a bunch", and that is not a bad idea at all, but how much are you really gonna get from a 2 min putt. So many little things that can screw how a hull feels that the relevance of a 2min ride is questionable imo. Good luck man, you are in an enviable, but difficult position.