Lost: small green event bag w Red Bull cans


salty nuts
coastal GA
I put the bright green bag down at my feet during the raffle, and must have walked off without it.
It had about 10 Red Bulls in it, and some other stuff from the Surf & Style event. I never got to see what else was in it.

Did anybody see it or pick it up?
Nice work Slutty I was gonna post something about the redbull and wings but as usual you are picking up the slack.
I put the bright green bag down at my feet during the raffle, and must have walked off without it.
It had about 10 Red Bulls in it, and some other stuff from the Surf & Style event. I never got to see what else was in it.

Did anybody see it or pick it up?

cheap bastard wins a grand worth of parts and is worried about a couple red bulls and a tshirt

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