Maddison Freestyle Las Vegas

Mike W

North Florida
I watched it last night.... Just insane. Curious to see what he does next.

BTW, you can delete your double post before someone responds on it.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Don't take this wrong, Robbie is the man. But, there are 2 step up jumps in AL that are 100' high and demand absolute perfection to clear every single time u hit them. You wanna see something hard-jump up 100' with 19 other guys challenging you for the smae line to the jump every lap for 10 laps in a row! I ain't gonna lie, I have never hit the step ups during a race cuz my ballz are waaaaay too small. LOL


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Gil quit running your mouth before I have to come down there and show you how to sweet talk the water cop lady out of your tickets!

I tell you what all is sick... Charlie busting out sick airs on the sea couch! Post up a bogger pic SFL!

cambo au

last night on the news here it said that next year he was jumping the actual london bridge in uk and the year after he will be doing a trick that made that one look easy
dude sure has some marbels
Don't take this wrong, Robbie is the man. But, there are 2 step up jumps in AL that are 100' high and demand absolute perfection to clear every single time u hit them. You wanna see something hard-jump up 100' with 19 other guys challenging you for the smae line to the jump every lap for 10 laps in a row! I ain't gonna lie, I have never hit the step ups during a race cuz my ballz are waaaaay too small. LOL

you wouldn't happen to be talking about monster mountain or pell city would you?


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
you wouldn't happen to be talking about monster mountain or pell city would you?

thats scary. yes, I am talking about both tracks actually. LOL It's almost like McWilliams was jealous that Monster got to haul kids off in the ambulance every week so he had to duplicate the jump at Pell City. LOL

I have never hit the step up at Monster, but have worn out the one at Pell City on practice days. I will never forget my 1st launch at Pell City, I came out of the bottom berm real hot in 3rd, grabbed 4th and started fannin the ever livin poop out of the clutch of my 450 to get pullin as hard as it could, seat hopped the crap out of it, launched, soared, looked down and saw the 90deg rt hand berm go by, saw the track go away, and made a new hare scramble trail thru the woods at about 50mph. LOL After that I started hitting it in the low/middle of 4th and comin up a fuzz short w/the rear tire. The kid I rode w/all the time finally hit it after I did(he is a PRO rider) and after his 1st time he said he could get it in 1st on his fofiddy and I bet him 100.00 he could not. We put his bike in 1st and took the shift lever off and he hit it, made it, and I had to pay him. LOL At that time the kid was 16 and had ballz of steel cause he still had not had a ambulance ride. That all changed shortly thereafter. LOL
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